Sunday, October 20, 2013

angle web link

Water on Mars?????

Extension questions

Mars is smaller than Earth and if you went there, your weight would be only 1/3 of your weight on Earth.

1.    If your mass is 40 kg on Earth, you weigh 400 newtons (N). If you went to Mars, what would you weigh?

2.    Would you feel heavier or lighter on Mars?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gutenberg Press

Why was the Gutenberg Press one of the most important inventions of the 15th century???

Who was Galileo Galilie??

Monday, June 10, 2013

European explores find southern Africa

Hi there Grade 6 's below are two links to web sites that list all the European explores that came to southern Africa.  Read through it and please offer some quality written responses.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Have a look at the link below and please feel free to comment.

This is cool!   
APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) - Wringing a wet towel in orbit

An average teacher armed with love, persistence, and a determination to teach is always EXCEPTIONAL.

What do you guys think about this quote?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

We have a blog!!!!

Finally we have a place where you guys can go and write about what you have or are going to experience. Enjoy it but please don't abuse it. The best written blog will be given a reward at the end of each week. Have fun! but please keep it clean and enjoyable for all!