Thursday, June 6, 2013

Have a look at the link below and please feel free to comment.

This is cool!   
APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) - Wringing a wet towel in orbit


  1. Mr. Reed: Wow that is really amazing!!

  2. Rachel : this was very cool and nice to see !!!!!!!!!!!! and i feel so happy thanks to our amazing teacher when i feel down the hole class makes my day!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. kayleigh: this video is so so so awesome

    now I really want to go to space

  4. Chuli: The sugar and water tasting, I think the tasting was really bitter it wasn't even close to sweet it tasted like burnt rubber which is not a pleasing no one would want to taste that. It had a really bad after taste so bad that I had to spit the. experiment out, so I wouldn't advice you to taste it cause it was not nice at all not even a bit, most bitter thing iv ever had.
